OK, so there are heaps of options when it comes to education and training. It isn’t all about mainstream school, and ‘I have to finish year 12…’ Education and alternative training can cover a range of different options!
Education can take a similar process to building a house – you don’t start with the roof, you start with the foundation. Then, brick by brick, knowledge builds on knowledge. The further along you go, the more you can tailor your education to suit you. In secondary school, TAFE, university and other training institutions you have the opportunity to learn about things that really interest you.
When you complete Year 10 or Year 12 you may consider going down the track of higher education. Around this time there can be a lot of pressure to know what you want to do with the rest of your life. Ignore this pressure!
The reality is that most Australian workers re-train many times in their lifetime. So, you don’t have to know what you want to do with the rest of your life (who does!). You just have to know what you want to do right now. And if you don’t know what you want to do now, there are still many options open to you, so you can make a more informed choice and get in touch with what really interests you.
Check out, Why Not You.
Why not you provide a central national portal for information about all of the support available to kids in care who want to undertake higher education. Whether it is scholarships, accommodation grants or university bursaries, you will find it all here: https://www.whynotyouproject.com/
You can also find a broad range of information about Australian universities and other higher education providers at QILT
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