If you are or believe that you have Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander heritage, you may require a letter confirming this. This proof is not required for day-to-day things; it is only needed if you are applying for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander specific services or programs such as: Centrelink, ABSTUDY, housing assistance, employment or school programs that are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander specific.
To obtain a letter of confirmation you will need to meet the following criteria:
1. Family history information that shows your heritage;
2. Identifying as an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person;
3. Being known as an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person in either an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander community where you live, or where your family is from.
If you are of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander heritage, Link-Up provides a range of services to individuals who were affected by ‘Stolen generation’, their families and adoptive families. There are Link-Up services in each state and territory and they can assist you in:
• Researching family and personal records
• Emotional support with accessing family and personal records
• Finding family members
• Assistance and support at family reunions
• Support and counselling before, during and after family reunions
Link-Up Services | Freecall: 1800 624 332 |
Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies | P: 02 6246 1111 |
National Congress of Australia’s First People | Freecall: 1800 266 477 |
Secretariat of National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care | P: 03 9489 8099 |
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