Transition to Adulthood (T2A) Month is held in November each year to highlight the needs of young people in Queensland as they make the journey from out-of-home care to adulthood.
The theme for T2A Month in 2023 is Participation. It’s all about young people getting actively involved in the decisions impacting their future and having their voices heard, respected and supported. We want all young people in out-of-home care to know their rights, be informed of new supports available, so they can participate in important decisions affecting their lives and their future.
Each year, more than 600 young people across Queensland make the transition from out-of-home care to living independently. This epic journey often involves finding accommodation, seeking employment or furthering their education, building support networks, accessing services, learning to budget and manage finances and banking, sorting out transport needs, locating important documents and much more. Getting this transition process and journey right, sets young people up for success.
While some young people are well supported through this process others make this transition without the support they need. All young people need practical support and advice, access to services and resources, and supportive networks in their journey to adulthood and that is what T2A month is all about!

Have a conversation
Listen to young people’s goals, dreams and support needs as they transition to adulthood. Support young people to participate in their transition planning and develop life skills. Make time to talk to young people about services like Next Step Plus.
Host an Event
We encourage you to chat to some other people in your team, contact a few local services to host a stall, put on a feed (like a sausage sizzle) and have a fun youth activity. Ask some young people you work with what they would like to do and brainstorm with young people and colleagues about other creative T2A ideas.
You may also be eligible to apply for a local council grant to help hire a venue or partner up with your local Child Safety Service Centre and other local providers to put on a great even for young people.
For information about T2A events in your region, visit our events page. To register your T2A event please email qld@create.org.au.

Get resourced
There are lots of fantastic T2A resources for young people and workers. Check out resources like Sortli (a free app for young people transitioning to adulthood) and the Go Your Own Way Kit (a booklet for young people who are on their T2A journey). A list of T2A resources are available here.
This Transition to Adulthood Month let’s come together and support our young people on their journey.
For T2A month resources, head here.
For events, head here.
For more information on G-Force, head here.
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